Accessible Housing: Consultation Regulation Impact Statement
Presenter: Kieran O’Donnell, Senior Project Officer, Australian Building Codes Board
Oral Presentation
The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) is a Council of Australian Governments (COAG) standards writing body responsible for the development of the National Construction Code (NCC), which sets out the mandatory construction requirements for new building work. The NCC is adopted by each State and Territory through its respective legislation. Each major proposal to amend the NCC is assessed in the form of a Regulation Impact Statement (RIS). The ABCB prepares a Consultation RIS for comment by interested parties, with the information gathered during consultation then incorporated into a Final RIS for decision by governments. The ABCB has recently released a Consultation RIS for public comment on the proposed inclusion of minimum accessibility standards for housing in NCC 2022.
This presentation will provide an overview of the Consultation RIS along with information on how to have your say in this critically important stage of the ABCB’s accessible housing project.